Litter from the most titled Ca de Bou in the World!!!
Date of birth - 08.03.2010 3 MALES & 4 FEMALES!
Father - Odysseus R.J. Osanna. Centenary Champion, Interchampion, Veteran World Winner, 3xWorld Winner, 2xEurope Winner, Junior Europe Winner, 2xEurasia Winner Champion: SPAIN, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Slovenian, Slovakian, Eesti, Lithuania, Romaine, Russia, Phillipines, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Belarus, Moldova Dysplasia: HD-A, ED-0!
Mother - Tornados-P'eros De-La Syutadela. Veteran World Winner, Grandchampion of Russia, Champion of National Club of Breed, CH Russia, CH RKF, CH Belarus, CH Slovenia X-ray by dysplasia